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100% of profit goes to support local FCA ministry across 13 counties, 9 colleges, 76 high schools, and middle / elementary campuses across central Alabama... thank you for your prayers and support!

FCA Golf Tournament

1st Annual Captain Crunch Classic

Shotgun Start

9am Friday

April 4th, 2025


RTJ Grand National Golf Course (The Lake)

Opelika, AL

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Register for 2025 Captain Crunch Classic!

Donate $500 for Hole / Green Sign Sponsorship

* Does not include team*

+ Logo / Name on sign at tee box or green at

+ Help support local FCA Ministry

+ FCA Family Eat ‘n Greet

(Included in annual sponsorship levels)

FCA 4-Man Scramble

$300 Single Sponsor

+ Single player + FCA Gift

+ Breakfast and FCA Eat 'n Greet @2pm

$1,000 Team Sponsor

+ Team of 4 Players with FCA Gift

+ Breakfast and FCA Eat 'n Greet @2pm

$2,500 Premium Team Sponsor

(Same as above)

+ Name or Company on tee box / green
+ Single entry for Celebrity Teammate Raffle

(+1 celebrity teammate raffle entry for each additional $100)

FCA Family Eat ‘n Greet + Celebrity Teammate Raffle List

Putt Contest Award

$500 FCA Vessel Golf Bag

$20 per golfer for contest @ 8:45am

Tournament Prizes

1st Place = $1,000

2nd Place = $500

3rd Place = $100

Hole in one

Long Lewis Ford F-150

Longest Drive

FCA Headcover + Moon Golf Giftcard

Closest to the Pin

Free Night and round of golf for two at Pursell Farms

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