• Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel

  • Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel

  • Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel

  • Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel

  • Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel

  • Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel

  • Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel

  • Slide title

    Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel


FCA Character Coaches:

Engage local coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing your life and the Gospel



 ✓= Required   ☐= Not Required

Fill out MLA Form

 (Ministry Leader Application)

✓ Identify where God has called you

Connect with local FCA staff to find the best fit with local teams / schools

+ Communicate your availability

Execute E3 Discipleship Method


Build relationships

+ 1 weekly lunch / breakfast with FCA staff and local coaches per month

+ 1  visit with coaches / athletes at practices or games per week

Help Share God's Word

☐  Speak at team or campus huddles

☐  Identify team leaders / develop leadership teams
   Recruit for FCA Camps and Leader Trainings (or attend)

Help Multiply

Recruit and train other future "character coaches"

Encourage athletes and coaches to pray, speak, or share

Help put on FCA events / camps in your area


FCA has a big vision to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ and a clear and compelling mission to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

FCA’s approach to pursue that mission is through our Methods to help Coaches and Athletes become disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples.

Engage, Equip, and Empower is our discipleship process.



“We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News, but our own lives, too” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).


We Engage coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing our lives and the Gospel.

Discipleship Principles

  • Engage God First
  • Engage the Heart
  • Engage with the Gospel
  • Engage to Multiply



“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ”
(Ephesians 4:12).


We Equip coaches and athletes to grow in Christ through God’s Word.

Discipleship Principles

• Equip with Prayer
• Equip with Scripture
• Equip in Community
• Equip with a Clear Plan



 “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2).


We Empower coaches and athletes to Engage, Equip, and Empower others to know and grow in Christ.

Discipleship Principles

  • Empower by Modeling
  • Empower by Assisting
  • Empower by Watching
  • Empower by Launching

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